Mar 5, 2013

The blog in which I need your help.

Will you help me?  My cousin is in the final stages of cancer.  He is 27.  I found this opportunity is all over Atlanta, my main source of readers.  So, will you go and participate in a the CP3?  It is the third of a series of Cancer prevention studies.  It will span a 30 year time period, and will take minimal time for you to serve as a study to potentially save countless lives.  While I am motivated by my cousin, I am also motivated for the future.  For my children, and their children, and for all of us.  I took the time to stop in today, and had a small amount of paperwork to fill out, then seven teaspoons of blood were extracted from me.  (I saw it as a weight loss aide, and luckily, it wasn't enough to justify cookies and juice afterwards.)  All the local YMCA's are holding these studies, and honestly, if not for yourself, do it to honor those that have gone too soon from such a horrific disease.  Tomorrow, the local Canton YMCA is holding the last day of the study from 3-7:PM.  No need to be a member.  But while there, why not ask for a free week pass?!? Tell them I sent you. If you decide to join, I can get you 20% off!  Just ask me, and I'll hook you up ;o)

This really made me laugh.  I had thought of "alternatives," but I didn't think they would laugh with me.  So, I kept it to myself.

"Alternative Procedures: The alternative to participating in this study in not to participate."

What about not help others?  or, what about to go rock in the fetal position while sucking a lollipop and waiting for the nice people in white to come?  Or, pump breast milk?  Or clean the lint trap?  Those are all viable options, yet not as helpful to all of humanity.  I am still shaking my head.  That was page one.  I stopped reading after that.  If that appeared to be pertinent to state, I thought I had read enough.  BTW- I have done at least one or more of the mentioned.  Hmmm... game of "Have You Ever?," anyone?"

Share this study with others in the area- regardless of whether you will be able to participate or not.  Maybe jump in after work?  Ask the boss to have an outing with the group to help out?
I'll do better than social network peeps! BLOG IT or go home!

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