Oct 27, 2012

The blog in which I made my own fun today.

I had to.  And so did she.  Well, technically, she didn't know what I was asking of her to share in, but now that we did it, twice, I think she is happy I did.  I am sure the thank you was forgotten over the barrel of monkeys of fun we had.  You are forgiven Ma.  I love you.  And thanks for "coming to do something with me."  No, I didn't need you to come to the bathroom with me.  I am 36 years old.  I think I can handle that alone.  That was awkward.  (That was what she thought I was asking her to do with me.)  I have learned to not give too much away or she might not participate in some weirdo activity I would like her to collaborate with me for.  She has only learned to ask if she needs her purse or not.  Some of us are more evolved.  However, I should have thought ahead, and had her use the little girls room prior to participating in a potentially funny activity.  She loses herself on laughter.  But don't tell her I told you.  wink.


PS  Happy Birthday to my little nephew!  One year old! Woo hoo!

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