Why red? Well, I need something that will stand out in this blog, and I was pretty hot when I had this customer service convo. today. See, it started with a middle of the night email that I received at 3:20 AM, a mere 15 mins. after it was sent from the MagicJack company. We know longer use that service, however, the email said that if I didn't respond within the hour, that I would be auto billed for another year of service. Well, since we couldn't get it to work anymore, we trashed the connector to the computer, and use our cell phones exclusively. So, I responded within the crazy allotted time, and yet, they still said I had to follow up with them in order to ensure the stop payment. Okay, I followed all the steps on their website to change that, and still had this convo. with the customer service thing. I am still not sure if "Tamara" was real of not, but I honestly think talking to a sausage might have been less frustrating. And for the record--- each time I asked if she was still there, at least 5-8 minutes had lapsed. I believe I had enough time to eat breakfast, clean up after it, and then prepare for lunch before she got back to me one of those times.
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Tamara'
Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK554082455756X
Tamara: Hello, how may I help you?
Erin : Can you tell me the last time my credit card was billed by magic jack?
Erin : I received something in an email in the middle of the night saying that if I didn't respond within the hour, that I would be billed.
Tamara: Sure thing.
Tamara: May I have the order number for that charge please?
Erin : I can no longer use magic jack. It stopped working. Not sure why, but we have not used in about six months
Erin : did you understand the question? I want to know WHEN the last time I was charged by your company.
Tamara: Thank you for the clarification.
Tamara: Please wait while I check that for you
Erin : are you still checking?
Tamara: May I have the registered email address on your account please?
Erin : I gave it to her
Tamara: Please wait while I check that for you
Erin : Are you still checking?
Tamara: One moment please...
Erin : Are you still checking?
Tamara: Yes, please hold.
Tamara: Thank you for waiting.
Tamara: I do appreciate the patience.
Tamara: May I know if that magicjack device is currently with you?
Erin : Please wait while I check that for you.
Tamara: Thank you.
Tamara: :)
Erin : It appears that we have relocated that to a trash can.
Tamara: I see.
Erin : Is it relevant to knowing if my credit card was charged in the last 24 hours?
Tamara: May you try to plug it to your computer.
Erin : you want me to plug in a magic jack into the computer that has been thrown away? Sure. Give me a second while I try that. I promise... I gave her the same "moment" to attempt to connect nothing as she has done for me prior to this comment.
Tamara: Yes, please.
Erin : Okay. I tried. And no, I was unsuccessful. Shocker, right?
Tamara: Is the blue light on? At this point, I could not even joke with her. I was beyond mad. This seems to be taking more time and patience than I was given in my life. My name is not JOB!
Erin : Has my credit card been charged?
Erin : please type the word "eye am a boobie suker" to let me know that you are not a robot.
Tamara: As I have checked it here in our end, your account is currently under Auto Renewal.
Erin : no, I have changed that.
Tamara: We are not allowed to do that, Erin. Are you allowed to do the hokey pokey or squat in the employee restroom? I bet you'd jump on that stuff if I hadn't ask you to. Snarky.
Tamara: Regarding to your issue, YES we can still cancel if you wish to have a refund for this charge.
Erin : YES. That is my wish/desire.
Tamara: Please give me the following for Verification purposes:
Tamara: 1. Full Name
Tamara: 2. Email address
Tamara: 3. Physical address registered with magicJack
Tamara: 4. Last Four Digits of a Credit or Debit card registered in your account
Erin : I responded within the allotted time frame last night, and will pursue legal action if this is not resolved now. And no, I will not provide my credit card digits at all at this point.
Erin : I provided that at the beginning of our chat.
Tamara: For verification purposes only, Erin.
Erin : Tamara, I believe I need a manager.
Erin : I have already provided that information.
Tamara: Even I transfer you to our top agents, we still do have the same thought or resolution to your concern.Which is what? Having me plug in an imaginary device and try to fumble with my native language?
Erin : you have been dishonest with me, and not understand english.
Tamara: I understand your frustration on this, Erin.I don't think she did. I was ready to need heart medication at this point.
Erin : Then, if you are able to see that I was billed to my credit card, why can you not see that I responded to the email from the middle of the night within 15 minutes of receiving the email.
Erin : I actually paid many years in advance, and for some reason, was billed last night?
Tamara: That charge is your Auto Renew feature which is currently enabled to your account.
Erin : no, I have already disabled thatI am not sure how many times I had to tell her that, but I took a picture and couldn't figure out how to email that to her in this chat.
Erin : how much was I charged?
Tamara: That is why it have purchased an One Year Gold Plan automatically without your authorization
Erin : I want my money refunded five seconds ago. That was generous of me. I should have had it from the beginning. I responded to their middle of the night shenanigans. Thank goodness Charlie woke up wet since he forgot his pull up last night. So, while Geoff changed sheets, I got the email. And, we found that our homemade laundry detergent cleans and leaves all sorts of nasty laundry smelling amazing! Good to know, right? Back to the topic at hand.
Tamara: Yes, we can still cancel this if you will be providing me the required details given above for verification purposes only.
Erin : Erin Ahrens
Erin : last digits ****
Tamara: 2. Email address
Erin : ******
Erin : ************
Erin : >>>>>>>>
Erin : *******
Tamara: Thank you for that/
Tamara: You just provided the correct details of your account.
Tamara: Please hold while I handle this here in our end.
Tamara: Thank you for waiting.
Tamara: We have successfully cancelled the Auto Renewal that was made on your account.
Tamara: Is there anything else I may help you with today?
Erin : Yes, I would like this in writing, via email or postal mail.
Tamara: Yes, will be sending an email confirmation regarding to your cancellation of your renewal.
Tamara: Is there anything else I may help you with today?
Erin : Please hold. At this point I thought I might have some fun. My day was shot already, so why not? And just verify-- she got snarky right back and emailed over ten confirmations until I finally spammed her. She sent them EVERY.FIVE.MINUTES. That heffer.
Tamara: Sure/
Erin : Thank you for your patience. Is there anything else I may help you with today?
Tamara: Would that be all for now, Erin?
Erin : Will that be all for now, Tamara?
Tamara: If you wish so, Erin.
Erin : If you wish so, Tamara.
Tamara: Goodbye and thanks
Erin : Goodbye and thanks
Since we haven't heard from you, we must release this chat. Please click here should you need further assistance: www.magicJack.com/techchat
Might I say that I think our MagicJack issues were probably with our internet, and not them, however, it was all we could afford, and it is good for the price. But customer service-- needs improvement.. lots of it.
Well, I don't have a sales target. I had a problem, and it is not effective in problem solving. Branding? No, I am familiar with the brand, as I had it for a couple of years. There customer service is very branded in my mind. They are the worst. Satisfaction? Satisfaction would have been her speaking English, understanding my issue, and no, this was not beneficial to me. As far as the operational costs- I am sure you are correct on that one. However, stealing from customers is illegal. So, they are saving money, and stealing all at the same time. I think they have effectively stabbed themselves in foot. I will never again deal with their company for future needs because I dealt with their horrible customer service. Your personal experience might be from the other side of it, or, from a robot's side. Either way, it is impersonal, and I feel like that is part of the problem with our economy. We are less personal. I am seeing this from a human side. I don't believe that my issue had to be noticed instantly, however, my issue was because of this company's error, and then they continued to error and not accept responsibility. I am well aware that the money savings brought to this company is great by implementing this system, however, I have to assume that the intelligence among the majority of their customers is hindered by the bottom line of the product on the user end, and I am a bit more principled than that. Unless you created this product, no need to hide behind an alias ;o) We are all friends, unless you are a robot ;o) Are you?