I have had my eye on this toy for a few months recently. While I was holding it in a store, another frugal mom suggested that I just make it myself. She said that she and her daughter did, so I figured I would as well. I finally got around to it, and I can't wait for the migits to wake up and try it out. It's like the "Find It" games that sell from $20+. I was particularly interested in the glow in the dark version Charlie had in his hand the other day, so that inspired the glow in the dark pieces I added to both bottles. I collected 35 objects for both bottles, some are the same for both bottles, and then colored the rice. After that, I let the rice dry out for a few hours and then I layered the rice and the items. I did not hot glue the top on, however, I might, if my super tight twist comes undone. Otherwise, it might be nice to change out some of the items. Who knows. All I know is, it cost me $9 for two games, while it costs more than twice that for one from the store. I took a picture of each bottles' contents that way they can actually play the games with it, instead of just look at it. That was thoughtful of me, right? The objects were things I found in the craft chest or the kids' toy boxes.
I had to buy stuff for the Johnny Appleseed day for both classes, so we got the lemon juice and apple cider since those requests came in today. Great excuse to run to the store! |
Rice after being dyed. |
This is all the items for both bottles. |
This one is for Shay. Although, both are pretty gender neutral. She really wanted the duck since that was one from her toy box. |
Charlie's.. he won't mind the girlie items. He's pretty chill. Wish I had more glow in the dark items. Part of the reason I am not hot glue gunning the lids on just yet. |
This looks easy, but honestly, just those few big items are easy to find. the rest of those pieces are REALLY hard to find. If you make one, don't forget to leave about an inch at the top to be able to shake it and move the pieces around. I layered putting the items in, but I know they will move around. |
For those of you who remember Charlie's infamous self portrait when he was 4 years old---- this is not what you think. However, when you see the rest of the picture... it doesn't really help. Never mind. here is the rest of the picture, below. |
The girl on the left is Shay. That is her hand she is holding out to his "hand." They are BOPPING each other. Boy wonder there drew the sound effects and everything! It seemed obvious to me, but I had a point of reference. (And a puddle at my feet since I laughed until I peed.) Notice how happy the picture depicts them? While I have two migits that really don't hit or rough house like this, they are really enjoying pounding away on each other. It's a lovely gift. I think we can say it works on some motor skill????? |
This is actually what he was drawing in the "thank you" card to my brother and his wife, his Uncle Keith and Aunt Susan. This was one of the many gifts he got from them. He was so excited by their gifts that he fell asleep last night, and then, two and half hours later, walks into my room with a toy gun in hand, held military style like he meant business, and when I asked him what he was doing up, he very proudly told me, "I'm going to play with my new toys." So, the deal is this- This set only comes with two, so each person gets only one, therefore, Charlie drew each of them wearing one. Geoff wants to go buy another set. I wanna wait for Christmas and see what Uncle Keith and Aunt Susan are going to arm us with next. We got the boxing gloves, the gun.. maybe grenades?? I love those! Build your own fireworks kit? The possibilities are endless. Actually, I had a rough week, and if Geoff walks through the door with another pair of the gloves---- it.is.on.
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