Ms. Jenn- ready to wet some migits! |
And here's how our last day of kindergarten and first grade went today...
First, you prep the ammo. On this day, that would include a cooler with about 100 water balloons, water, and two long distance water squirters. Then, you wait.
While you wait, you gather partners in crime. For me, that was Jenn. And then, without her knowledge, we recruited Stacy. Her daughter gets off at our bus stop as well. As soon as she pulled up, we motioned for her to sneak some water balloons, as well. As the migits exited the bus for the final time, we were to ambush them.
Jenn. She's so gangsta'. |
And here it comes....

This is after we ambushed them, and somehow, they ended up spraying the snot out of Ms. Jenn, and everyone was thoroughly dripping within ten minutes. They loved the surprise.
After all that, they changed into bathing suits, each had a red, white and blue popsicle's, and we bathed our dog. Then, we played in the hose for almost three hours! (My water bill will be significantly higher, but I'm sure that the memories we made will last longer than the sting of the bill will.) They blew bubbles, played with hula hoops, and then, got their end-of-the-school year presents from us and played some more. (End of school presents this year were a new pair of Speedo goggles and a bug catcher. Total spent per child-$10.)

 We finished the party by watching the teacher made videos of pictures set to music from the year in school. Between the two of them, it was probably close to an hour! We had a great time seeing all our new friends we made this year.
Almost ten, and with no bed time, this is what happens. I blog, she reads and then falls asleep, and Chaz and I are the last ones standing ;o) He just drew a picture of me. I look like a hippy. I'll take it. And then, I'll go put my new first grader to bed ;o) Happy summer y'all!
PS Are we ready for summer fun? Helz yeah! I am working the glow in the dark theme this summer. Glow sticks galore! Thinking of painting rocks for the outside with glow in the dark paint. Thinking glow scavenger hunts.... Thinking this is going to be a great summer! Ready for watermelon, fireflies, and late nights at the pool.
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