I have been super busy with a new "assignment," and VERY excited to share that with you, this coming week. However, in the mean time, I have found that I might be incredibly void of empathy. I also have been experiencing with apple cider vinegar. Finally, I learned that if I want to grow my readership, all I need to do is use the word "pornographic." Nice. I had more than twice the amount of readers "find" my blog wherein the title included that little nugget. I don't know as many people as read that blog, therefore, I know that the small handful of faithful readers must have been disturbed and saddened that I didn't produce the hardcore stuff they were expecting. (My apologies, Sam.) And just so you know- I think I check my "numbers" a mere 14.3 times each day. No joke, the numbers will make a big difference very soon. For those of you who do read this blog regularly- thank you! I really appreciate it.
So, we were praying tonight, and Charlie was next to me, and he yawned. I did not do what the scientist have said are "empathy" yawns in return. I then became all consumed with the thought that I was not empathetic enough. Sad, since it took me 36 years and a yawn to teach me this lesson. Then, I went on to finish our rote prayers with the Act of Contrition, and then couldn't focus on anything that might have resembled a true sin, venial/menial/or otherwise, for the thought that I was sadly without empathy. I attempted to make things right, so I faked a yawn. I can honestly say, I am pretty sure I have "faked" worse things ;o) Yeah. I got nothin'.
Recently, I was introduced to the miracle that is- apple cider vinegar. Holy cow peeps! This stuff is fantastic! I can not say enough about it. Until this afternoon, when I got all high and mighty and took on a new trial with it. That didn't go so well. But first, let me tell you about my experience with it to this point. First, I have acne and rosacea. Second, I have spent more money on acne treatments than most people spend on diamonds, yachts, or homes, over the last 20 years. I never noticed the red spots on my face until I saw it in pictures at some point. I swear, I have the polar opposite of body dysmorphic image problems. I look in the mirror, and no joke, I see the true me. I so badly want that for my daughter. I want her to look deep and see the person she was made in the likeness of.
About a week ago, my mom mentions to me about how she started applying apple cider vinegar to her face after reading online about it's tightening properties. I researched, and thought, "I can do this." SO, I started. And guess what...IT WORKS! I have not had a blemish since beginning. It's only been a week, so I might be speaking too soon, however, the redness is even calming.
While researching, I found that raw, unfiltered A.C.V. is necessary to produce the the holistic effects. And the "film" and pieces in the A.C.V. are called "the mother." When applying to your face, you have to make sure you apply "the mother." When drinking in the diluted form to see weight loss, or as an antibacterial or antiviral, you have to drink, "the mother." Well, I mixed up the concoction to drink, and after doing so, I think I yelled, "YO' MOMMA" or "mother f*......." Whatever. I couldn't drink it. I tried cutting the recommended two tbs. to one, and then mixed it into eight ounces of water. Then, I threw in some Tang. Then, I threw the whole thing down the drain. I don't want to lose weight that badly, and I think I will take my chances with the illness. (Although, I talked a good game when telling my mom how I think we should do this. Now, I think, that part of "we" should try it, and have a sink nearby.)
Geoff has had a "scratchy" throat all day, and I am on high alert. Praying it is nothing, but if not, that he doesn't take a hit as hard as I did. 11 days friends! ELEVEN DAYS I WAS IN BED! So, prayers for all of us here, as well as for my cousin. I believe in the power of prayer. You don't need to know the whole story. Just know that He knows what the needs are, and will provide. I just ask that you pray for an unspoken prayer. Thank you. Let's make it a great week!
(I changed up the title of the blog just to see if that draws from different web searches.)
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